Sabtu, 24 Mac 2012

Jalan truusss, trus, trus!

This entry gonna be in unison with the last entry, the one entitled Marchmellow. Instead of letting things happen and the memories eaten by the monster - TIME - so I decided to engrave those memory on this sheet of virtual paper :O

10 -18 March ==> Cuti pertengahan semester. Spent my hols kinda perfect this time. Went to Keningau Twice in that period of holiday. Closed my hols with a Church trip to SIB Malinsau during the weekend :) 

Our first trip to K'ngau is on monday (If im not mistaken), with a mission - searching for a music instrument store and acquire a quotation for a list of instruments and things. The anggota - Me myself, Gilal and Baguk. Arrived safely from Ranau approximately 9 am and spent time going here and there until its time to have some fun. It's 7 pm and it's FUNFAIR time!

Met with new friends from Kg. Bunga Raya, Gilal's friends actually. They were AWESOME. The plan is to go pulang balik saja bah actually. Nah, we ended up stayin at their home for the night. Served nescafe (1 tikuan basar) with Mee Goreng (1 talam baasar) for supper at 12 am, and had a chit chat together at the dining room until 2 am :) woke up 4 am in the morning, served breakfast and 7 am zoooom! back to Ranau. 

Second trip in on Wednesday. This time we go hantar Prisca balik k'ngau, she went to a church camp in Kg Muruk and at the same time mau pg funfair lagi hoho. The anggota untuk trip yang ini - Me, Gilal, Baguk + si Kunin. Speeding to k'gau because we move approximately 7 pm, it's late and dark already bah. Arrived K'gau around 10 pm, went to FUNFAIR and stayed there until the funfair was closed at 12 am. Met with Gilal's friends again, and this time we're like a big family. 

It's 12 am and went to People's Restaurant to get our supper. Then, 1 am we head home. Arrived safely at Kg Narawang tercinta at 5 am. A supposedly 2 hours journey drastically changed to 4 hours driving in agony, with the urge to rest and so on. Well, we stopped for a quick nap at Tambunan and Kg. Randagong Lama. My first experience driving time subuh2. 

Went to SIB Malinsau, our Church's Youth trip during the weekend. Had a great time there. I learnt to be grateful for everything. I often think that I had nothing - money, nice clothes, cars, even a cute haircut. But with God, I have EVERYTHING that I need :) Until now, I'm still alive and given the chance to lift up His name :) 
  Cukuplah sampai sini, bukan ada yang pigi baca juga pun :O 

sekadar gambar hiasan ;O

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