Jumaat, 9 Mac 2012


It's march. A month that symbolizes misery and agony BUT at the same time it brings thunderous joy and experience (cehhh). Wanna noe why? tamau bagitau :p

I have my own reason why I blurted out those crappy things. It's still early for me to judge what my life could be throughout this month. Actually, the way it started is the basis of my judgement.

Spent my days with my fellow BSMM cows for 4 days, from 1 until 4 march at BSMM Headquarters, Sabah. Got UUKA, PK and PCA/CPR course. The atmosphere in the dorm was awesome yet hot bcoz of those small fans. Snatched backache from the wiggly2 double-decker bed :(

cari saya d mana? :O

Got dinner on the 5th of march. Last gathering for keldai2 JPP IPG Kampus Keningau for 2011-2012 session. Unofficially my task as the Bendahari Agong ends after lending a hand for the  materialization of the dinner itself. The theme sounds like this "The Falling Angle White Party" haha. Seem's there's sumtin not right. The Angel misspelled as Angle. Typical error. Sadly, no one corrected that theme until it was there stuck as backdrop of the year. lol. 

naaa, u c bhaaa

agak ning2 di situ :O

Finished a supposedly 2 MONTH-duration coursework ultimately in just 2 DAYS, well yeah, the second day is the due date. Alamak. Typical me. Always complaint about time management but practically I'm out of the line. Meow3. 

Mau cuti sudah, bisuk mau balik sana rumah d kampung. Bulum packing barang lagi. Just now me tanak maggy pedas with 2 biji telur. Slrrrppppy. Belemakk sup dia, tambah laa lapisan di bahagian2 yg berkenaan nih :O

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